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Fun Facts
ALLEN DANZIGER, who starred in the original 1974 "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" is co-creator and executive producer of the comedy "The WeedHacker Massacre." Allen also acts and does his own stunts at 82.
In the 1970s, when TCM Director Tobe Hooper showed Allen some rushes from the movie and asked what could be done to improve it, Allen joked he would turn the chairs the other way. It's amazing he didn't get fired or chainsawed.
"WeedHacker" pays homage to our favorite vintage horror movies like TCM, The Shining (drive to Redeye, TX and the axed door), Shaun of the Dead (movie set camera scene, tossing slates like records, and says Edgar Wright's name if you can catch it) and even Predator.
The toy car used in the opening is actually a Terminator 2 toy but painted yellow.
Allen's childhood friends called him Danzinshoos as they couldn't pronounce Danziger; in WHM he is Sheriff Danzinshoos.
Allen continues to promote TCM across America and visited London and Tokyo fans recently.
Writer/Producer Ray Spivey got his start in film in 1996 as he painted an oil painting of town founder Blaine Fabin in Christopher Guest's cult comedy "Waiting for Guffman."
Actor Parrish Randall (Digger Gunter) was in cult horror movie "Circus of the Dead."
The Gunter clan name is homage to Leatherface in the original TCM --Gunnar Hansen.
John Duggan AKA Grandpa in the original TCM was ready to act in WeedHacker; unfortunately, he needed surgery at the last minute and had to drop out. John was to play Allen's Deputy Sheriff.